Scheduling a Google Meet for the Future

Screencast Video 

Development Details

Tools: Camtasia, Audacity, Microsoft Word

Time: 4 hours

My role: research, writing, recording, editing

Client: Creative Team Solutions (fictional company)

Case Study

Context:  With the rise in use of video conferencing, Creative Team Solutions transitioned weekly team meetings to Google Meet. Managers meet with their teams of 8-10 at the beginning of the week to check in on goals and make priorities for the week. 

Challenge:  Managers received no training on Google Meet and are struggling with the transition to online meetings. Often, they create the meeting at the start time and then must scramble to share the link with their team, causing confusion and losing time to technology issues. The managers are not aware of the functions that let them schedule a meet for the future, save it to their calendar, and share the link with their teams in advance. 

Solution: A screencast video was created to show the exact process for scheduling future Google Meets and accessing them via Google Calendar. It is meant to be paused and have managers follow the steps along with the video. Additional Google Meet features are also explained, which may be useful to the managers as well. 

Result: The intention of this video is to increase the amount of on-time meetings by 25% over the next quarter. This will be measured by a quarterly feedback forms filled out by group managers. 


This is the script that was written in planning out the video. 

Script Google Meet Setup.docx